Protect The Htaccess File From Unauthorized Access

How to Protect the .htaccess File From Unauthorized Access

Protect the .htaccess file from unauthorized access

The .htaccess file is one of the most powerful files of your WordPress website. You should protect the .htaccess file from unauthorized access.

There are a lot of things which can be done by adding the code snippet in this file. You can improve the security of your WordPress website.

What if this file gets hacked? This can be really scary. When you protect something with a single source and someone hacks that particular source only.

That would be a disaster for your website. It’s always recommended to do the best you can to secure your WordPress website.

In this tutorial, you will learn the way to protect the .htaccess file from unauthorized access.

Start Adding a Security Code in The File

Yes, you read it right. To block any authorized user from accessing this file, you have to add a few lines of the code in it.

I am sure, you would know how to edit the .htaccess file.

There are two different methods. If you’re using the Yoast SEO plugin then it can be done from your WordPress admin panel only.

Just go to SEO>>Tools>>File Editor and you will see the robots.txt and the .htaccess files. You can also access it from the cPanel of your web hosting.

Go to files>>Root directory>>.htaccess file.

<files ~ “^.*.([Hh][Tt][Aa])”>

order allow,deny

deny from all

satisfy all


Add this code and save the file. From now onwards, no would be able to access this file until he/she gets authorized.

Many people may be scared of the codes but this is the best solution.

There is only one alternative if the security plugin you’re using has a feature to disable the file editing for the .htaccess file and many others including the wp-config.php file, enable it.

You would be happy to know that you can protect the wp-config.php file using this file. The .htaccess file is the file people should really learn about.

It’s just a text file but once you start using it effectively, you can harden your website’s security at a greater extent.

I am sure, you can understand the need to protect this file. You should check this file once in a while to make sure that it’s clear and no malicious code has been injected.

For non-techie people, it can be challenging but once you get along, it would be fun for you.

I Hope You Can Easily Protect the .htaccess File from Unauthorized Access

In the past few years, I have noticed some hacks which were done using the .htaccess file. The hackers can break your whole website if this file isn’t secure.

You should also learn about some WordPress security tips. I mention it every time I write related to the WordPress website.

Millions of websites are getting hacked every year. You wouldn’t like to get your website hacked.

I am sure, you can easily protect the .htaccess file from unauthorized access. If you still face any problem, feel free to drop a comment.

You can also connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Ravi, if I use this code to protect against the unauthorised access, will it stop my hosting and support to access it as well? Will it be a problem and every time I will need to allow people to access it?

    1. Hey Ahmad,

      The web hosting providers can access everything. The data is on their server, they have the full control. They can take care everything.

      This code blocks the users who use the back door to enter your website.


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